The Enchantment comes in handy when you have to kill lots of wither skeletons to summon the wither. Landing a critical is pretty easy, just land a blow when falling down. If you have a max level smite on our netherite or diamond sword, it will take two normal hits to kill any undead mon, but if you land a critical hit then they’ll die in a single blow. Now that we know what the Smite enchantment is, let’s take a look at its uses.

The smite enchantment is mutually exclusive, it cannot be used with the bane of arthropods, sharpness, and cleaving. You can combine two different smite enchanted swords to obtain a higher level Smite enchantment. Just like any other enchantment in the game, Smite can also be obtained by spending some time on the enchanting table and using your levels. But most of the Minecraft players out there will use it on their Axe or sword. The Smite Enchantment can be applied on a sword or an Axe, it can also be used on equipment but you’d need a book enchanted book for that.
#Smite minecraft how to
How to Get Smite Enchantment In Minecraft? The world of Minecraft is filled with the dangerous undead mob that roams freely at night, at such times it is always advised to carry a good sword if journeying somewhere. The smite enchantment comes in 5 different levels, 1 being the weakest and 5 being the strongest.

These undead mobs include the skeletons, zombies, zombie villagers, withers, wither skeletons, zombified piglins, skeleton horses, zombie horses, strays, husks, phantoms, drowned, and zoglins.

Smite is the most useful enchantment for fighting with the undead mobs in Minecraft. Smite is an enchantment that is used only in certain specific situations. NEW: How to Make A Concrete In Minecraft What is Smite In Minecraft? Now there are many enchantments available in the game, but today we will be focusing on the one which is specifically aimed at the undead i.e. How to Get Smite Enchantment In Minecraft?.